Shotgun (five-stage sporting clays)

Metropolitan Pistol Club shotgun
Range 6A is a secluded tree-lined sanctuary away from the other ranges – so serene… until we shoot of course!

This discipline gives you that immediate feedback on your shooting – and it’s a great feeling to see a clay crack apart or even turn into powder when you hit it just right.

Each of the five stages features a different sequence, with mixed double and single clays – and the sequence setup changes each week, with different throwers (outgoing, incoming, rabbit, oscillating, double sparrow), so there’s always a challenge. The game is then shuffled for the next series so you never shoot at the same clay from the same angle.

There’s seven shots per stage, and five stages (or different positions), for a total of 35 clays for the match shoot. It’s fun, exciting and a very friendly atmosphere. Unlicensed shooters are more than welcome to come and have a go! Ensure you have eye and ear protection with you.

Match day: every Saturday, 8.00am sharp.
New people and guests should arrive at 7.30am.

Cost: $20 Metro members (to help cover the cost of clays)
         $20 + $15 non-Metro members (targets + range fee)

Second Saturday of the month: BBQ sausage sizzle!

If unlicensed or for more information, contact Discipline Captain Ron.

Check out our Shotgun pics on Facebook.

Come and try!
Signed up to be a member at Metro, but aren’t licensed yet? Doesn’t matter – come down and try out shotgun. You’ll be coached through each shot. Unlicensed members please email Discipline Captain Ron for more information.


More Cowbell! 
If you manage to knock out all seven clays, in any given stage, we ring the cowbell to congratulate you! Shooting all seven, cowbell and clapping – what could be better!




Shotgun pics, more from the range – on Flickr
Shooting Shotgun – YouTube example (3:11 mins)
Five-Stand Shotgun – Wikipedia
Clay-Pigeon Shooting – Wikipedia