Holster courses
Holster Proficiency courses
A number of shooting disciplines (eg ICORE, IPSC, Service Pistol, Western Action) require the use of a holster for upper-level competitions.
Before you are permitted to use a holster in a given shooting competition, you must hold a Holster Proficiency accreditation. For more information regarding Holster Courses please contact us.

In-house holster course — for on-site Metro matches only
MPC runs a regular in-house holster course, so you can participate in club-level shoots only. It is NOT suitable if you wish to take part in PSQ-sanctioned matches, but is a great way to get you started and practicing regularly.
Please contact Geoff on 0419 007 310 for more information and find out the next course date.
You must pre-book your spot at the office with the MPC Secretary where a (non-refundable) $10 fee will be charged. Numbers for each session will be restricted so make sure you register or you may be turned away!
Download, print out and read through the Holster Proficiency Course Package before attending your holster course day.
Please note the following important information:
- THIS IS FOR METRO MEMBERS ONLY. You will have to show your MPC ID card. Non-members cannot participate.
- You must have completed the form (from the clubhouse), with your three shoots signed off by discipline representatives prior to attending.
- You must be licensed, with your own firearm and holster rig.
- This course is not suitable for Western Action shooters!
- If you use a revolver then you are only accredited for using a revolver. If you use a semi-auto then you will be accredited for both semi-auto and revolver holster safety.
- You MUST pre-book with your spot, as numbers for each session will be restricted. Register or you may be turned away!